Friday, July 07, 2006

A school day schedule in a full-time working mom’s life

She gets up, puts her jogging clothes on and goes jogging (mental note: MP3 player needs new batteries)


She takes a quick shower & gets dressed/hair etc.


She goes downstairs to the kitchen & gets everybody's lunches ready (WHY didn't she do this the night before? Because she wants everything to be fresh!) + eats breakfast


She wakes the boys up; helps them with their morning routine, makes sure they get dressed (sometimes the Husband will come to life and assist the boys), gets them breakfast


She gets herself & the boys out the door; wearing shoes, helmets, bringing schoolbags, her own bag…


The party arrives at school; Super-mom leaves the youngest one in his classroom & chats with teacher for a minute, the she says good-bye to the oldest one in the schoolyard using the “triple kiss routine” (blow one, throw one, spray one)

9:00am – 17:00pm

She WORKS (Sits down by her desk with a big sigh and utters the words "gosh it’s nice to sit down for a minute!")


She arrives home; hangs out with the boys while trying to make dinner & pick up around the kitchen




She plays with the boys OR does dishes & cleans up the kitchen while the boys play, and then picks up in the bedroom (takes care of clothes that were thrown on the floor that morning, and then she usually has to make the bed because the Husband didn’t)


She gives the boys a bath while cleaning up in the boys' room, she pays bills, and gets pyjamas and beds ready, as well as tomorrow’s clothes


She brushes the boys’ teeth and reads + sings to them


She puts the boys to bed


She does a load of laundry and cleans up downstairs – sometimes she chose to play with the boys before bed and didn’t do the dishes, and then she has to do them now. It appears that there is always something else as well: a bike tire that needs fixed, or something that needs to be arranged or prepared in advance.


She usually sits down on the couch exhausted, to watch a movie or whatever is on, read something, or to call a friend or family (they're scattered all over the world)


She goes to bed; if she's lucky and not too tired she'll have a few minutes with the Husband

By Lovain

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