Monday, March 13, 2006

Doctor, I'm sick.

I have a cold again; sore throat, runny congested nose, headache and a slight fever. I feel sick but not sick enough to go to the doctor.

If you work, and you get sick here in Belgium, you have to go to the doctor within 24 hours to get a doctor’s note. You give this note to your employer to verify that you are sick. This way you also get financial compensation. Even if it’s just a cold and all you need is a day’s rest, you have to go to the doctor for the note.

Of course the doctor can’t just write you a note. You are paying her 20€. She has to act as if you are there for an exam and a diagnose; She’ll give you a thorough check-up and then say “You have a viral infection. A cold, that is. Normally you should feel better within a couple of days.” I KNOW! It’s a cold, yes. I came for the note! Just give me 2 days in bed.

She will always suggest treatment. “I will proscribe you Aspirin and nose spray. Try to rest and drink water”. Well, thank you very much. I'll take the note.

by Lovain

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